Dask + Zarr, but Remote!#
Author: Ilan Gold
To begin we need to create a dataset on disk to be used with dask
in the zarr
format. We will edit the chunk_size
argument so that we make fetching expression data for groups of cells more efficient i.e., each access-per-gene over a contiguous group of cells (within the obs
ordering) will be fast and efficient.
import re
import dask.array as da
import zarr
from anndata.experimental import read_dispatched, write_dispatched, read_elem
import scanpy as sc
rel_zarr_path = 'data/pbmc3k_processed.zarr'
adata = sc.datasets.pbmc3k_processed()
adata.write_zarr(f'./{rel_zarr_path}', chunks=[adata.shape[0], 5])
<zarr.hierarchy.Group '/'>
def read_dask(store):
f = zarr.open(store, mode="r")
def callback(func, elem_name: str, elem, iospec):
if iospec.encoding_type in (
# Preventing recursing inside of these types
return read_elem(elem)
elif iospec.encoding_type == "array":
return da.from_zarr(elem)
return func(elem)
adata = read_dispatched(f, callback=callback)
return adata
Before continuing, go to a shell and run python3 -m http.server 8080
out of the directory containing this notebook. This will allow you to observe how different requests are handled by a file server. After this, run the next cell to load the data via the server, using dask arrays “over the wire” - note that this functionality is enabled by dask
’s deep integration with zarr
, not hdf5
adata_dask = read_dask(f'{rel_zarr_path}')
Now let’s make some requests - slicing over the obs
axis should be efficient.
adata_dask.X[:, adata.var.index == 'C1orf86'].compute()
array([[-0.4751688 ],
[-0.42529213]], dtype=float32)
Indeed, you should only have one additional request now, which looks something like this:
::ffff: - - [13/Feb/2023 20:00:36] "GET /data/pbmc3k_processed.zarr/X/0.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
What about over multiple genes? adata.var['n_cells'] > 1000 == 59
so this should be less than 59 requests (indeed there are)!
adata_dask.X[:, adata.var['n_cells'] > 1000].compute()
array([[ 0.53837276, -0.862139 , -1.1624558 , ..., 0.02576654,
-0.7214901 , -0.86157244],
[-0.39546633, -1.4468503 , -0.23953451, ..., -1.8439665 ,
-0.95835304, -0.04634313],
[ 1.036884 , -0.82907706, 0.13356175, ..., -0.91740227,
1.2407869 , -0.95057184],
[ 0.9374183 , -0.63782793, 1.4828881 , ..., -0.74470884,
1.4084249 , 1.8403655 ],
[ 1.4825792 , -0.48758882, 1.2520502 , ..., -0.54854494,
-0.61547786, -0.68133515],
[ 1.2934785 , 1.2127419 , 1.2300901 , ..., -0.5996045 ,
1.1535971 , -0.8018701 ]], dtype=float32)
Now what if we chunk differently, larger? There should be fewer requests made to the server, although now each request will be larger - a tradeoff that needs to be tailored to each use-case!
adata.write_zarr(f'./{rel_zarr_path}', chunks=[adata.shape[0], 25])
adata_dask = read_dask(f'{rel_zarr_path}')
adata_dask.X[:, adata.var['n_cells'] > 1000].compute()
array([[ 0.53837276, -0.862139 , -1.1624558 , ..., 0.02576654,
-0.7214901 , -0.86157244],
[-0.39546633, -1.4468503 , -0.23953451, ..., -1.8439665 ,
-0.95835304, -0.04634313],
[ 1.036884 , -0.82907706, 0.13356175, ..., -0.91740227,
1.2407869 , -0.95057184],
[ 0.9374183 , -0.63782793, 1.4828881 , ..., -0.74470884,
1.4084249 , 1.8403655 ],
[ 1.4825792 , -0.48758882, 1.2520502 , ..., -0.54854494,
-0.61547786, -0.68133515],
[ 1.2934785 , 1.2127419 , 1.2300901 , ..., -0.5996045 ,
1.1535971 , -0.8018701 ]], dtype=float32)
Now what if we had a layer
that we wanted to chunk in a custom way, e.g. chunked across all cells by gene)? Just use write_dispatched
as we did with read_dispatched
adata.layers['scaled'] = adata.X.copy()
sc.pp.scale(adata, layer='scaled')
def write_chunked(func, store, k, elem, dataset_kwargs, iospec):
"""Write callback that chunks X and layers"""
def set_chunks(d, chunks=None):
"""Helper function for setting dataset_kwargs. Makes a copy of d."""
d = dict(d)
if chunks is not None:
d["chunks"] = chunks
d.pop("chunks", None)
return d
if iospec.encoding_type == "array":
if 'layers' in k or k.endswith('X'):
dataset_kwargs = set_chunks(dataset_kwargs, (adata.shape[0], 25))
dataset_kwargs = set_chunks(dataset_kwargs, None)
func(store, k, elem, dataset_kwargs=dataset_kwargs)
output_zarr_path = "data/pbmc3k_scaled.zarr"
z = zarr.open_group(output_zarr_path)
write_dispatched(z, "/", adata, callback=write_chunked)
<zarr.hierarchy.Group '/'>
adata_dask = read_dask(f'{output_zarr_path}')